Sunday, May 31, 2020

How to Develop an EVP to Attract Global Talent

How to Develop an EVP to Attract Global Talent Harman International is a global leader in connected car technology, lifestyle audio, innovation design, and analytics. It figured out an Employee Value Proposition (EVP) that will be launching across no less than 30 countries want to know more? Well, Kumari Williams is the Director of Talent Acquisition and Employer Branding for Harman International. Her team is pushing the message of global mobility, positive mindset, and innovative thinking as a magnet to attract candidates. Have a listen to the episode below, keep reading for a summary and be sure to subscribe to the  Employer Branding Podcast. Listen on  Apple Podcasts,  Spotify,  Stitcher  or  Soundcloud. In this episode you’ll learn: How theyve created its EVP around the authentic stories of its employees Why its the employees who really promote the employer brand at Harman What Our Talent Connects the World means What their 4 themes of pillars are and how they work Why you should search for #harmanemployee on social media channels You can connect with Kumari on LinkedIn.

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Resume Writing: You Can Stick to the Table of Contents When You Are Writing Your Resume

Resume Writing: You Can Stick to the Table of Contents When You Are Writing Your ResumeWhen you are in the initial stages of your resume writing, it is good to have a strategy in place to keep the content organized. A single idea for your resume writing can be successful, if you plan ahead and keep the content organized so that the resume stands out from the rest.The first thing you should do is decide which section of the resume you want to use. Do you want to use a resume cover letter, a table of contents, or a summary of work experience? If you do not know what you want on your resume, then leave this decision up to the person who will be reading your resume.There are certain topics that you should avoid using as the basis for your resume. These include boring content like hobbies, etc. If you use these items as a basis for your resume, then people will be turned off by your resume because it will be generic. It is better to stay away from using such topics as a basis for your res ume.Instead, stick with topics that will catch the attention of your potential employer. Before you begin writing your resume, you need to develop an outline for the resume that outlines the content and uses examples to help build a strong foundation for your resume.Once you have developed an outline, it is time to think about what should go on the table of contents. Some people prefer to have their career accomplishments listed at the top of the table of contents, while others like to have their career goals listed at the bottom of the page.Depending on the style of your resume, you may also want to include a table of contents at the top of the resume. It is helpful to have the table of contents at the top of the resume because it allows people to skip around the resume, which can make the resume harder to read. You can also create the table of contents for each chapter so that when you are in the middle of a job search, you can quickly find what you are looking for.When you are re ady to write your resume, you should stick to the format provided by the template. If you find the resume and table of contents too confusing, then it is OK to start over with a new resume template.Once you have had some practice with the resume and table of contents, you will find it easier to write a resume. Start writing your resume today and stay organized as you read through your resume to ensure that you will have all of the information needed for your job search.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Stoke Your Passion and Elevate Your Career - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career

Stoke Your Passion and Elevate Your Career - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career Think back to the last thing you were passionate about. Not the thing (or things) you are passionate about right now. Rather something that you were wildly passionate about in the past. Now, think through the following questions: How much time did you commit to it? How many things did you skip for it? Was there anything that could dissuade you from talking about it and doing it? The answers to these questions are indicative of your passion and commitment to it. Whether it was soccer, learning how to write computer code, or play a board game. You were committed. Nothing could deter you from your passion. Now, think about your current passions. Do you give them the same amount of time, thought and effort? If not, maybe these arent your true passions. Perhaps these are just passing fads. These are what I call mini-passions or temporary passions. Question (semi-rhetorical) Can we have temporary passions? In my opinion the answer is an absolute yes. Temporary Passions There are times when we just need to learn something to get to the next level. These are mini-passions that may consume a lot of time for days or weeks, bur not likely years. These mini-passions may be able to be accomplished in 20 hours or less. More on that later.  However, as these mini-passions consume your time they may blossom into something you really enjoy and want to do more. Along the way you will be learning and growing and perhaps even finding a true passion that you follow for your whole life. However, if you arent willing to spend the hours, days and perhaps years to perfect the way you view and imbue yourself into something it may not be your passion and may not deserve your time. Only you can decide. Passion Projects and Your Career Question How can a passion help you stand out in your career? Having a passion is a good thing. It shows you care about something. It shows you can commit to something. And, finally, it shows you care enough about something to spend many, many hours learning  and doing it. Having a Passion Project can help you relate to people on different levels and can help you share a common bond (and challenge) with others that may have a similar passion. Having a passion can help you stand out and excel in your personal and professional life. Lets talk about Time Commitments When you are passionate about something, time seems to take a backseat to reality. Everything else may cease to exist while you pursue your passion. You will find that you can spend hours, days, weeks, months and even years chasing your passions. Generally these efforts take place in your younger years. However, the great thing about passions is that they  can strike a nerve and consume you at any age. Humans are funny like that. In theory you want to become an expert in your chosen passion. Whether that’s surfing, golfing, or playing Settlers of Catan there is a ramp up time. I know from personal experience with surfing that it can (and should) take a lifetime to become an expert. How much time you are willing to commit is related to the need to become an expert or just know how to utilize the skills. The Question is: Do you need to become an Expert or just a Skilled Practitioner? If you are truly passionate about something you will likely only settle for being an Expert. However, at work and for some passions you only need to become a Skilled Practitioner. For example, if you are a woodworker and like to build cabinets you may want to become skilled in hanging doors or building drawer sliders. Unless you are doing this over and over again you will likely just need skills to do it right for a short period of time. What often happens is that we spend an inordinate amount of time learning a skill that we only need once or twice. The challenge is determining which are just transitory skills and  which  ones are the things we need to become an expert. As with many things these skills are stepping stones to become a well rounded expert. This is where the balancing act of ,000 hours vs. 20 hours comes in. You can put in 500 “Skills Sessions” into becoming an expert. But, you will likely put in a lot more. ,000 Hours to become an Expert This thinking has been around for a while, but gained visibility recently when author Malcolm Gladwell brought it to the forefront. As you may have figured out ,000 hours is 5 years of a typical full-time job (2000 hours per year = 50 weeks x 40 hours a week). Are you and your (potential) employer willing to put in 5 years to allow yourself to become an expert?    In this  2 minute video he talks about his book “Outliers” and the need for creating opportunities for people to invest the time to become experts. He brings up a pretty radical idea. He suggests that companies INVEST in people so that they can take the time to become experts. This is a multi-year investment that most companies (and a lot of individuals) are not willing to make. Even if the company is not willing to make the investment. You should be willing to put in the time… if you are truly passionate about it. 20 hours to Learn a Skill  â€" If you need to be proficient at a specific task for a project you may only need to put in 20 hours. That’s just 40 minutes a day for a month. For example, if you want to learn something like  Pivot Tables in Microsoft Excel, how to use, or the basics of a computer programming language you may be able to put in 20 hours to become a Skilled Practitioner and that’s it. You won’t be an expert. Yet you will  likely be quite proficient at the chosen skill.  There is an excellent TED talk by Josh Kaufman on this topic here. He talks about the  steep ramp to get started, but that the core skills can often be mastered in 20 hours. There is an advantage to the 20 hour Skill Building sessions.  Because the time commitment is relatively low you can try a lot of things. You can let your curiosity run wild while you explore things that interest you. Tools and Mastery Both of these ways of learning require the same thing…  Mastery of the Tools. Mastery in the sense that you need to know how to use the tools in order to become proficient and master a task or topic. Of course, some efforts are more simple than others. Its a lot easier to learn how to describe supply-and-demand than it is to become the go-to expert on macro economics. If your passion is just to be able to hit the high level points and not to do a deep dive into something you may be able to leverage the 20 hours model. However, if you  perceive the need to have a  deep level of expertise in a topic you will  need to move down the path to commit the ,000 hours.  Only you can decide which model is right for you. Tip for Work Mastery: Master the Tools of your Trade If your workplace uses Microsoft SharePoint,, and likely  a combination of many different tools and systems. Take the time to learn them, master them and become extremely proficient at them. You career prospects will improve when you know the tools of your trade. Stoking Your Passion Everyone only has 24 hours in a given day. Using your 86,400 seconds a day wisely is the challenge each of us must face every day. By choosing your passions wisely you can elevate your career, enhance your authenticity and build your personal and professional brand. The challenge is to decide which efforts are worthwhile and worth sticking with in the long run.  This is especially true in this fast paced economy and world we live in today. Your challenge is to decide for each  passion whether you need to be an Expert or it’s Just a Skill you need to learn. Whether  it’s worth 20 hours or ,000 hours. Only you can decide. Choose Wisely.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Things to Learn This Week How to Become a Coach - Classy Career Girl

Things to Learn This Week How to Become a Coach The more you learn, the more you earn, right? I am on the hunt to learn more in 2016 so that is why I am doing a new weekly series  on this blog called Things to Learn This Week.   Here are the top 4 things to take advantage of to learn this week: Free Training: Want to Be a Coach? My friend Jenny is  hosting a few FREE TRAININGS  for new + aspiring coaches. Want to know what’s possible when you say YES to your calling as a coach with coach training? Grab your free spot here. Level: Beginner Time: 3-6 hours Click to learn more. Online Course: Corporate Rescue Plan An accelerated dream business launch to help you escape the corporate grind fast. Level:  Beginner â€" Advanced Time:  3-6 months Click to learn more. Free Webinar:  The 5 Steps to Ditch Your Day Job and Transition Into a Profitable, Freedom-Based Business On the webinar, you will learn  ow to determine how and when to make your exit. Level:  Beginner Time:  1 Hour Click to learn more. Guide: A Practical Guide to Job Search Success This 3-part digital guide includes EVERYTHING you will ever need to know about the 3 most important job search topics including  LinkedIn profile and networking success, interview preparation and success strategies and salary negotiations to get paid what you are worth. Level:  Beginner Time:  3 hours Click here to learn more.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

How to Prepare a Resume For Job Requirements

How to Prepare a Resume For Job RequirementsWhen a company or recruiter is looking for an employee, he will use resume requirements to determine whether you are the right candidate. Once you have a good idea of what it takes to land the job, you can prepare your resume according to this expectation.You will have to keep in mind that some types of jobs require a more specific style of writing compared to others. You must also keep in mind the type of education you have had, as this will affect your resume. You must emphasize the skills you learned and any additional skills that may be of use to the company.Another common type of job involves being an administrative assistant. Many companies find this type of job to be demanding since you may be responsible for filling out forms. Because of this, you should include all necessary information to help your employer determine if you are fit for the position. Include information about the job, salary, and benefits.With many people, the jobs they are seeking may not be entirely 'hard science' related. Rather, some careers like medical and dental assistant and paralegal could involve working with the patient in some way. These people must show an understanding of the disease, diagnosis, treatment, and goals of the patient. The resumes they are required to create must highlight this information.There are many career choices available today. Career counseling is designed to guide those interested in specific career choices. It is in these discussions that you should present yourself and how you may be the best fit for the company.Career counseling is usually conducted via phone. This is so the counselor can get a feel for your personality, interests, and skills. You must be ready to talk about how your achievements, skills, and background provide a better match for the job opening. Your curriculum vitae must follow the guidelines for this type of task, since these requirements may vary among companies.In general, the task of preparing a resume for a job is of great importance. As the hiring manager, you need to provide the right information to assure the company that you are the person they are looking for. You can help the hiring manager with this task by following some basic guidelines.You should include any skills and education you have that relate to the job and the requirements of the job. You must also emphasize the accomplishments and activities you completed to help the hiring manager to decide if you are the right candidate for the job. Use your own experience to show how you can improve on tasks that will enhance your chances of getting the job.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Battling Age Discrimination - Young and Old - Career Pivot

Battling Age Discrimination - Young and Old - Career Pivot Battling Age Discrimination Age discrimination is a reality in the current job market. It affects two vastly different groups: Young â€" The young men and women graduating from college over the last five years have had it tough. In fact, this generation has the highest unemployment in the last fifty years. Age discrimination is rampant because this generation does not have the exact skills or experience employers are wanting. Old â€" Ask anyone who is over fifty years of age and has been unemployed whether there is age discrimination in the job market. The answer will almost always be YES! Age discrimination is rampant because this generation is perceived as both not having kept their skills up to date and expecting to be paid at the higher end of the pay spectrum because of their experience. Notice both groups battle age discrimination due to issues in employers’ perceptions of their skills and experience. What is interesting is that both groups can use the same strategies to combat age discrimination. It is all about demonstrating and not telling what you can do to solve your future employer’s problems. Who you know and who knows you is critical! The days of waiting for a position to be posted and then applying for it are over. More than any time in history, personal relationships are paramount to your employment. The issue is these two groups have different definitions of what constitutes a relationship. If you are under 30, you likely define relationships in online terms. Following someone on Twitter, friending someone on Facebook, or connectingto someone on LinkedIn, you will likelysay you have formed a relationship. If you are over 50, you likely define relations in offline terms. If you have met someone in person (or at least talked to someone on the phone), you will likely say you have a relationship. The problem is that today’s world requires both! I serve an Austin based non-profit, Launch Pad Job Club, where I was asked recently by an over 50 job seeker if they need to be on Twitter. My answer was YES! They asked why. My response was that, if I hope to get a response from a recruiter, I willtweet to them. I will adapt to the communication medium that they are most comfortable with. Listen to the most recent episode I was recently giving a workshop on the Multi-Generational Workplace and was asked by a millennial participant about the problems she gets into with her mother. She always texts her mother. I had explained that different generations need to adapt to each other. If she wants to develop relationships with someone over 50, she will likely need to talk to them. Each group needs to adapt. You need to build relationships both online and offline. Create a Platform Creating a social media platform is key to demonstrating that you know your stuff and, therefore, battles age discrimination. You can now: Attach work product to your LinkedIn profile. This could be presentations on SlideShare, PowerPoint slide decks, videos, sample documents of your work, links to code you have written, and just about anything that can be found on the Internet. LinkedIn Publisher is now a platform that will be available for you to publish to anyone. This is an excellent way to demonstrate that you know your stuff. Once you have established a platform, showing that you know your stuff, you need to promote, promote, and promote some more. You do this by connecting effectively on social media. Each group has issues. The younger you are, the less likely you will have work samples to demonstrate what you know. In that case, create them! The older you are, the less likely you will want to promote and connect. It is not how we were raised. Get over it. Overcoming Age Discrimination If you want to overcome age discrimination, it is about targeting key employers and developing key relationships using both online and offline methods. Once the relationship is established, you need to be able to show them that you know your stuff. Whether you are experiencing age discrimination at the beginning or at the end of your career, it is all about relationships! This post is part of a weekly series on the Personal Branding Blog. You can read the original post on the Personal Branding Blog. Marc Miller Like what you just read? Share it with your friends using the buttons above. Like What You Read? Get Career Pivot Insights! Check out the Repurpose Your Career Podcast Do You Need Help With ...

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Ultimate List 156 Most-Read Marketing Blogs

Ultimate List 156 Most-Read Marketing Blogs Marketing Blogs. Chock-full of timely useful information that can fill your tool belt with what  you need to craft great marketing messages to drive customers to your door. But how do you find them? Yes, we all know the top ones that are well known in the internet marketing community.  Marketing blogs like Copyblogger and Duct Tape Marketing. But how about other marketing blogs that might bring you different perspectives and unique approaches that havent hit the mainstream blogs yet? And what if you dont have the time to do the research and hunt down the best of the best? Well you came to the right place. I took many of the top lists on the web.  I dumped the  ones with pathetic social media numbers.  And the best of the best rose to the top. Youll see the big names. But youll also be exposed to some other blogs with interesting twists that just might help you jump start your business marketing and take your small business to an exciting new level. So jump in and enjoy.  And if you like it, please share this post.  If you have any other marketing blogs youd recommend please add as a comment. NOTE: Checking out all these resources will take some time. You can read it all right now, try to remember to bookmark it, OR you can download the entire marketing blog guide in ebook form for FREE and read it laterand get another productivity ebook thrown in as well. BONUS 25 SALES BLOGS [UPDATED 11/9/16] Home | Social Media Today ShoeMoney Skills to Pay the Bills HubSpot | Inbound Marketing Sales Software WebProNews Breaking News in Tech, Search, Social, Business The #1 Inbound Marketing Community | Marketing Resources, Strategies for Marketing, B2B Marketing MarketingProfs SocialTimes | Covering the world of social media Social Media Examiner: Social media marketing how to, research, case studies, news and more! | Social Media Examiner Seth Godin Moz: SEO Software, Tools and Resources for Better Marketing   Business2Community psfk live, work, play better Search Engine Land | Must Read News About SEO, SEM Search Engines Addicted2Success Search Marketing (SEM), Paid Search Advertising (PPC) Search Engine Optimization (SEO) | SEW Jeffbullass Blog Internet Marketing Digital Marketer | Marketing Strategies That Actually Work Content Marketing Solutions from Copyblogger Marketing Land | Digital Marketing Martech News, Tactics Strategies Troy White, Small Business Copywriter Digital Inspiration Howto Guides Software Tutorials Entrepreneur On Fire Business Podcasts Daily podcast interviews with todays most successful Entrepreneurs Search Engine Journal Marketing News, Interviews and How-to Guides Brian Solis Defining the convergence of media and influence   Landing Pages: Build Publish Test Without I.T. | Unbounce Digital Marketing Blog by Adobe For Advanced Facebook Marketers Search Engine Roundtable ::: The Pulse Of The Search Marketing Community Online Marketing Blog TopRank Digiday Digital Content, Digital Advertising, Digital Marketing Smartblogger Convince Convert Digital Marketing Advisors ClickZ | Marketing News Expert Advice Occams Razor by Avinash Kaushik Digital Marketing and Analytics Blog Mark Schaefer Social Media Specialist Social Thoughts on sharing, creating, analyzing and converting with social media. CMI: Content Marketing Strategy, Research, How-To Advice ReelSEO ⠏ © The Video Marketers Guide Small Business Marketing Blog from Duct Tape Marketing Small business marketing blog Six Pixels of Separation Marketing and Communications Blog By Mitch Joel at Mirum Digital Marketing Blog | Econsultancy Internet Marketing Strategy Social Triggers SOCIAL FRESH, social media conference, social media training SEOBook Blog Social Media Explorer Social Media Consulting, Public Speaking and Education InstantShift | Web Designers and Developers Daily Resource. Become A Blogger Start A Blog, Change The World Amy Porterfield Social Media Strategy Consultant   Kissmetrics Online Marketing Blog Analytics Conversion Rate Optimization I Make Money Online By Telling People How I Make Money Online Social Media News, Articles Insights | Sprout Social Content Marketing and Copywriting Articles Heidi Cohen Actionable Marketing Guide Digital Marketing Blog | Econsultancy ViperChill Chief Marketing Technologist Marketing Technology Management Social Media Tools and Social Media Technology Insight Get Elastic Ecommerce Blog | #1 Subscribed Ecommerce Blog Conversation Agent Valeria Maltoni Spin Sucks: Professional Development for Communicators | Spin Sucks Spin Sucks Daily Blog Tips PPC Strategy Pay Per Click Advertising News | PPC Hero Branding Strategy Insider UnMarketing Marketo Marketing Blog Best Practices and Thought Leadership Social Thoughts on sharing, creating, analyzing and converting with social media. Bigcommerce Blog: Ecommerce, Marketing Selling Online | News, rumors and commentary from the email deliverability community Sales and Marketing Consulting and Speaking Services David Meerman Scott Web Ink Now Blog Kim Garst Boom Social Social Selling Strategies That Actually Work Duct Tape Marketing Simple, effective and affordable small business marketing consulting Kikolani Blog Marketing and Blogging Tips by Kristi Hines Annie Cushings Blog SEO, Analytics Data Visualization Consultant Quick Sprout Blog by Neil Patel Drews Marketing Minute | Small business marketing, branding social media tips Logic+Emotion Unbounce Landing Page Conversion Optimization Blog SpyreStudios: Web-Design and Development Magazine Andy Sernovitzs Damn, I Wish Id Thought of That! Social Media and Blogging Tips | Web Applications Blog Portent Blog Tyrant Start a Blog and Work from the Couch aimClear Blog Digital Marketing News With a Side of Snark Jenns Trends Amy Lynn Andrews I teach people how to blog. Email Marketing. Just Like That. | VerticalResponse MarketingExperiments Blog Online Behavior | Marketing Measurement Optimization Pingdom Royal | We Love The Internet MailChimp Email Marketing Blog SEO: Search Engine Optimization, Link Building Social Marketing Strategy | SEW Sparring Mind Salesforce Marketing Cloud Blog Digital Marketer | Marketing Strategies That Actually Work Analytics Talk Digital Analytics for Business DreamGrow Digital Social media marketing   Award Winning Internet Marketing Blog Matthew Woodward The Content Strategist, by Contently San Francisco SEO and Internet Marketing | Blind Five Year Old Signal v. Noise by Basecamp ? Business, Design, Programming, and the Web Hyperarts Blog ConversionXL Conversion Optimization Blog Conversion Optimization and A/B Testing Tips from Crazy Egg Kaiserthesage Philippines Premier Online Marketing Blog Marketing Interactions Bryan Jeffrey Eisenberg Professional Speakers, Best Selling Authors, Online Marketing Pioneers Blog | Convince and Convert: Social Media Strategy and Content Marketing Strategy Online Marketing Blog and Training Resources | Distilled Influential Marketing Blog MediaPost Publications Social Media Marketing Daily The 60 Second Marketer | @AskJamieTurner Buzz Sumo John Doherty Professional Web Marketer, Photographer, and Traveler SEO Blog Blog Word to the Wise GetResponse Blog Email Marketing Tips The Conversion Scientist Social Media Impact The #1 Most Trusted Social Media News Site Peg Fitzpatrick Heinz Marketing ? Your Free Web Traffic Hub   SEO Copywriting blog: Web and social media writing secrets tips The Copybot Essential web writing advice. Creative Market Optimize This Digital Inbound Marketing Blog Marketing Optimization Website Optimization Blog UserTesting Blog: UX Research and User-Centered Design Resources UserTesting logo Social Media Marketing Blog | Ignite Social Media Mike McRitchies Blog for Small Business Profits Mihmorandum ? The Local SEO Blog of David Mihm Snarketing Archives The Financial Brand Conversion Rate Optimization Blog | Conversion Rate Experts Story Needle Modern Marketing Blog | Oracle Marketing Cloud Conversion Rate Optimization Blog by Invesp Pure Blogging Content Marketing Blog Our Blog | Velocity Partners The Official Chris Ducker Dot Com Blog Internet Marketing Ninjas Blog Rebekah Radice Blog @ProBlogger Blog Tips to Help You Make Money Blogging ProBlogger Simply Measured Blog PR Daily News: Public Relations news and marketing in the age of social media | Home Post-Advertising: Chronicles of Brand Storytelling Michael Brenner on Content Marketing and Social Business | B2B Marketing Insider Copy Blog Over 50,000 Readers | Copywriting by Copy Hackers | Conversion Copywriting and Web Copy Ebooks for Startup Marketers Andrea Vahl Blog PR Software, Marketing, and Media Relations Software and Services | Cision MarketingExperiments Blog Sparksheet Good ideas about content, media and marketing Marketing Agency Blog Bonus: 60 Sales Blogs Update [11/9/16] B2B Lead Generation Blog Bob Phibbs Business Sales Tips for Introverts Dave Steins Blog Drew Stevens Consulting gadjunk Gavin Ingham John Barrows Heavy Hitter Sales Blog Increase Sales Coach Blog John Hirths commentary on sales John on Sales Sales Hacker Marketing Mirror Paul Castains Sales Playbook Sales and Sales Management Blog Sales Java Blog Sales Lead Management Association Blog Sales Management Today Sales Team Tools? Sales Training Advice Sales Training Tips and Advice Sales Warrior: The Basho Technologies Podcast SalesPractice Sell More Shane Gibsons Sales Podcast and Sales Blog Sales Training Canada USA Motivational Speaker Sharon Drew Morgen Shipping and Global Business Growth Blog SymVolli The Leaders Brand The LEADSExplorer Blog: Lead generation Website visitors CRM B2B The Medical Sales Recruiter The Pipeline The Sales 2.0 Network Center for Sales Strategy Thoughts on Social CRM and Analytics Topline Leadership Blog A Sales Guy Hubspot Sales Dan Pink Fill the Funnel Inside Sales Experts by The Bridge Group Jill Contrath Neuromarketing OMGhub Partners in Excellence Point Clear Predictable Revenue Magnafi Sales Journal Sales Pro Insider Score More Sales Smart Calling Blog Smart Selling Tools Sales Benchmark index The Funnelholic Adaptive Business Services The Sales Blog The Sales Hunter The Science and Art of Selling  

Friday, May 8, 2020

When I Grow Up Goings-On My WDS talk, PsychCentral, Invincible Summer, How to Tap Into Your Inner Badass - When I Grow Up

When I Grow Up Goings-On My WDS talk, PsychCentral, Invincible Summer, How to Tap Into Your Inner Badass - When I Grow Up You guys thought I was just lollygaggling around, restin and recoverin last month, right? Wrong! OK, I was restin and recoverin (mostly)but before I was resting and recovering, I was contributing to all these goodies: Jess Morrow is one of my Clubhouse cuties, and I was honored to be asked to contribute to her first ebook (based on her ecourse), Invincible Summer. The button above says it all, but I have to reiterate: Jess has a real gift in helping women find their voice and truths through their stories, even if they dont consider themselves writers. ** Jenn and Amanda, the dynamic duo behind Kind Over Matter, are coming out with a line of  Positive Panties   think underwear for superwomen. Theyre celebrating the  Kickstarter campaign  with this free ebook, so  click here to download it, hop on your motorcycle, get a new tat and let your badass flag fly!      ** How I Create is a popular series on PsychCentral, and I loved reading what lovelies like Jolie Guillebeau, Christine Mason Miller, and Laura Simms had to say about what inspires them to create. Margarita allowed me to tackle questions like What creative-boosting activities do you incorporate into your daily routine? and How do you overcome what stands in the way of your creativity?, and I loved diving in. You can read the QA right here. ** The video of my talk at the World Domination Summit this past July has been posted for public consumption! I wrote about it here, and have since been waiting patiently to share it with you. Here it be: Talk 13 from Chris Guillebeau on Vimeo ** And just sommore love for what were calling the Golden Goodiessign on up to get yours at 3p Eastern today, and every day for the next 2-ish weeks! Squee!