Thursday, May 21, 2020

Things to Learn This Week How to Become a Coach - Classy Career Girl

Things to Learn This Week How to Become a Coach The more you learn, the more you earn, right? I am on the hunt to learn more in 2016 so that is why I am doing a new weekly series  on this blog called Things to Learn This Week.   Here are the top 4 things to take advantage of to learn this week: Free Training: Want to Be a Coach? My friend Jenny is  hosting a few FREE TRAININGS  for new + aspiring coaches. Want to know what’s possible when you say YES to your calling as a coach with coach training? Grab your free spot here. Level: Beginner Time: 3-6 hours Click to learn more. Online Course: Corporate Rescue Plan An accelerated dream business launch to help you escape the corporate grind fast. Level:  Beginner â€" Advanced Time:  3-6 months Click to learn more. Free Webinar:  The 5 Steps to Ditch Your Day Job and Transition Into a Profitable, Freedom-Based Business On the webinar, you will learn  ow to determine how and when to make your exit. Level:  Beginner Time:  1 Hour Click to learn more. Guide: A Practical Guide to Job Search Success This 3-part digital guide includes EVERYTHING you will ever need to know about the 3 most important job search topics including  LinkedIn profile and networking success, interview preparation and success strategies and salary negotiations to get paid what you are worth. Level:  Beginner Time:  3 hours Click here to learn more.

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